Druki \ Zagraniczne \ Zwarte
Der Krieg 1939/41 in karten / in verbindung mit Wolfgang Höpker / Fritz Meurrer Horst Michael; herausgegeben von Giselher Wirsing. München : Knorr & Hirth, [1942]. 95, [1] s. ; 30 cm ZS 2010 III (2299)
DO GÓRY ID: 35875 A: ms
In Hell : a document published in Underground Poland / forew. by Thelma Cazalat-Keir. London : Keliher Hudson & Kearns, 1944. 32 s. ; 22 cm ZS 1078 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35799 A: ms
Jordan Peter First to fight / by Peter Jordan ; pref. by L. D. Gammans, M. P.. London : A. R. Foster, 1943. 48 s. ; 25 cm ZS 2001 III (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35865 A: ms
Kuszelewska Stanisława Kobiety / Stanisława Kuszelewska . Rzym : Instytut Literacki, 1946. 193, [3] s. ; 20 cm ZS 1085 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35807 A: ms
Leader of a Nation at War, 1939-1943 : the Posthumous Homage of "The Voice of Poland". [b. m] : Voice of Poland, [1943]. 30 s. ; 31 cm ZS 2006 III
DO GÓRY ID: 35871 A: ms
Lutosławski Aleksander Tadeusz Great Britain and Poland / by Peter Jordan [pseud]. London : MaxLove Publishing Company Limited, [1943]. [80] s. il. ; 14x22 cm ZS 1042 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35761 A: ms
Lutosławski Aleksander Tadeusz Poland's frontiers / Aleksander Tadeusz Lutosławski . London : Maxlove Publishing Comapany, 1945. 24 s. : mapy ; 25x28 cm ZS 2015 III (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 41472 A: ar
Matuszewski Ignacy What Poland wants / by Ignacy Matuszewski. London : M. I. Kolin LTD, 1941. 32 s. ; 19 cm ZS 36 I (1290)
DO GÓRY ID: 35845 A: ms
Matuszewski Ignacy What Poland wants / by Ignacy Matuszewski. New York : National Committee of Americans of Polish Descent, 1942. 35 s. ; 19 cm ZS 37 I (1290)
DO GÓRY ID: 35846 A: ms
Memoirs of Madame Pilsudski. London : Hurst & Blackett, 1940. 352, [4] s. ; 22 cm ZS 1039 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35758 A: ms
Mit Hitler in Polen / hrsg. von Heinrich Hoffmann ; Geleitw. von Keitel. München : H. Hoffmann, [1941?]. 96 s., il. ; 27 cm ZS 2007 III (1978/69)
DO GÓRY ID: 35872 A: ms
The Nazi Kultur in Poland / by several authors of necessity temporarily anonymous. Londyn : Polish Ministry of Information by His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1945. 220 s. ; 24 cm ZS 1031 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35750 A: ms
Official documents concerning Polish-German and Polish-Soviet relations 1933-1939 / Republic of Poland. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. New York : Roy-Publishers, [1940]. XIV, 222 s. ; 21 cm ZS 1049 II
DO GÓRY ID: 35768 A: ms
Poland's fight for freedom / by Leonora Charap. [Londyn] : [b.w.], [1941]. 16 s. ; 22 cm ZS 1036 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35755 A: ms
Poland's freedom of the sea / by Henryk Bagiński ; forew. by M. Kukiel ; [transl. by Peter Jordan]. Kirkcaldy : The Allen Lithographic, 1942. 137 s. ; 23 cm ZS 1030 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35749 A: ms
Polish-Soviet relations 1918-1943 : official documents / issued by the Polish Embassy in Washington by authority of the Government of Poland. [New York : Polish Information Center, 1943]. [4], XI, [3], 251 s. ; 22 cm ZS 1047 II (1290)
DO GÓRY ID: 35766 A: ms
Prisoner of war no. 619/45 / by S. Leszczyc ; transl. by Peter Jordan [pseud.]. Harrow ; Middlesex : Atlantis Publishing Co., 1943. 79 s. ; 20 cm ZS 1084 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35806 A: ms
Rehkopp A. Staats und Verwaltungskunde / A. Rehkopp. Berlin - Charlottenburg : Gersbach & Sohn Verlag, 1942 (?). XX (brak I-VIII), 305, [3] s., 21 cm. Uwagi: książka w j. niemieckim
Czyt. Z 10058 I (2901/2/32)
DO GÓRY ID: 56600 A: as
Soltynski Roman Glimpses of Polish Architecture / Roman Soltynski. London : Maxlove Publishing, [ca 1944]. 56 s. ; 28 cm ZS 2016 III (2592)
DO GÓRY ID: 48758 A: dw
Tale of a city. Washington : Office of War Information. Official Busines, 1942. 23 s., rys. ; 27 cm ZS 2002 III (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35866 A: ms
The German Invasion of Poland : Polish Black Book containing documents, authenticated reports and photographs / preface by His Grace the Archbishop of York. London ; Melbourne : Hutchinson & Co. LTD., [1941]. 128 s. ; 25 cm ZS 1099 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35887 A: ms
The German New Order in Poland. London : Hutchinsin & Co., [1942]. XIV, 585, [1] s., [118] s. fot., [1] k. ; 23 cm ZS 1107 II (2592)
DO GÓRY ID: 48754 A: dw
The mass extermination of Jews in German occupied Poland : note addressed to the Governments of the United Nations on December 10th, 1942, and other 10 th, 1942, and other documents / Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs . London ; New York ; Melbourne : Hutchinson & Co., [1942]. 16 s. ; 22 cm ZS 1075 II (1290)
DO GÓRY ID: 35796 A: ms
The Soviet occupation of Poland / with an introductory note by J. B. Morton. London : Free Europe, 1940. 35, [1] s. ; 22 cm. (Free Europe Pamphlet no. 3 ) ZS 1077 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35798 A: ms
The story of Wilno. London : The Polish Research Centre, 1942. 30 s. ; 22 cm ZS 1041 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35760 A: ms
Unconquered Poland. New York : "Poland Fights", 1943. [44] s. : il. ; 22 cm ZS 1043 II (2287)
DO GÓRY ID: 35762 A: ms